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My Debut Novel Won the Literary Titan Gold Book Award!

My debut action fantasy novel, The Cycle of Eden: The Young Revolution, recently received the Literary Titan Gold Book Award for May 2023! This was awesome to see as an indie author, a real confidence booster as I start the publication process for its sequel!

Award Page: Literary Titan Gold Book Award May 2023 | LITERARY TITAN

I also participated in a small interview that brings more insight of my investment and future with the Cycle of Eden series. The title of it is quoted from one of my answers, “Make My Readers Question That Norm.”

Full Interview: Make My Readers Question That Norm | LITERARY TITAN

You can read their amazing review of The Young Revolution on their website as well! Here is a sneak peek:

“Varona’s prose takes readers on an exhilarating ride as Seth and his companions encounter a host of creatively written monsters and face a variety of challenges that are both well-described and original. One of the most enjoyable aspects of the book is the inner dialogue of the characters, particularly Seth, whose thoughts are laugh-out-loud funny and offer a lightness to the otherwise tense situations they find themselves in. The world-building and plot are intricately woven, and readers will appreciate the vivid descriptions of the various landscapes and characters that populate this richly imagined universe.” – Literary Titan

Full Review: The Cycle of Eden | LITERARY TITAN