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The Cycle of Eden

Two Sides of Corruption

It’s always watching, always listening, always hungry, and it’s inside us all.

Seth, the prophesied Young God destined to revive the Light, finds himself corrupted by his very own brother, the Neo God. Like an addictive drug, the Darkness infecting his soul twists his resolve, transforming him into a carrier of malevolence aiming to deny his gift of salvation to Eden.

However, no one else knows of this parasite, and they must never find out. As Seth struggles to resist the haunting lies etched into his mind, his desperate attempts to survive ultimately result in heinous actions against his loved ones. With each passing moment, the horrible symptoms intensify, driving the hero further into servitude to his brother as they journey toward the ominous Dark Continent.

In The Cycle of Eden: Two Sides of Corruption, Daniel Varona delivers visceral action and delves deeply into the internal conflicts brewing within the heroes, expertly exploring the fragility of trust, teetering on the edge of collapse and creating a suspenseful and thought-provoking narrative.

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Received the Literary Titan Gold Book Award in December 2023

In The Cycle of Eden: Two Sides of Corruption, Daniel Varona creates a captivating sequel to The Young Revolution. Picking up where the previous novel concluded, readers dive deep into the tempestuous journey of Seth, the prophesied young hero. As he endeavors to reclaim the light of Eden, he unwittingly descends into an abyss of shadow. The sinister forces of the Neo God menacingly ensnare Seth, molding him into the embodiment of the malevolence he’s desperately battling.

Varona’s storytelling prowess shines through, ensuring that the sequel doesn’t get overshadowed by its predecessor. Rather, it enhances the allure, magnetizing readers into a more intense, immersive, and spellbinding realm. The Cycle of Eden claims its rightful place among the top-tier fantasy series I’ve delved into this year. Its world-building strikes a harmonious balance—neither overwhelmingly intricate nor skimpy but brimming with ingenuity and fresh concepts. Echoes of themes and ideas from the first novel reverberate throughout, underscoring Seth’s evolving narrative.

The characterizations are brilliantly etched, with palpable evolution seen from one book to the next. Varona’s riveting ensemble of characters and his pulse-pounding, action-laden plot ensures readers are tethered to every page. One particularly compelling element is the intricate web of relationships and Seth’s internal strife to fend off encroaching shadows. It serves as a poignant reminder: while shadows lurk in every heart, our true mettle is tested in how valiantly we resist their pull.

"This swiftly paced adventure further bolsters a winsome ongoing fantasy series."
"...This second installment in the author’s fantasy series teems with action, with characters engaged in frenzied battles and against various backdrops even as an easygoing tone propels the narrative... Seth and company run into all sorts of curious things, some more alarming than others, including a skeletal army, scaly “humanoid fiends,” and huge, jellyfish-like “Jettals” with razor-sharp teeth. While this volume accommodates readers with some sense of resolution, there’s plenty more story to tell and undoubtedly more books to follow." — Kirkus Reviews
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5-Star Sequel!
"...Magic, politics, and myth intertwine with human drama to create a vivid world that juxtaposes Seth’s inherent goodness and his gradual descent into malevolence. The fantasy elements are beautifully blended in, deepening the dark nature of the story, particularly as they relate to Seth’s internal turmoil..." - BookView Review
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The Cycle of Eden: Two Sides of Corruption picks up where The Cycle of Eden: The Young Revolution left off. It will especially attract readers who enjoyed the prior story of Seth, the Young God who inherited the Seed of Light from his mother and became a key figure in the classic battle between Light and Dark that has shaken the world of Eden.

A wide cast of characters and creatures occupy these battling sides, from corrupted angels to talking skeletons, to fierce martial artists like Valentina, to talking dogs such as Chase. There is plenty of fantasy to get lost in.

Seth’s ongoing uncertainty about the mechanics of his role as the prophesied Young God adds depth as he struggles with the darkness in his own soul, which belays his mission and his psyche. This also is a deep secret that he keeps from those around him, further affecting his actions and abilities as he confronts his own nature as well as the world around him.

Two Sides of Corruption expands the characterizations, influences, and story begun in The Young Revolution. This adds to its value as a fuller-faceted story set in a world which already received a firm foundation of introduction and intention, attracting readers into the increasing dilemmas and evolving confrontations.

Daniel Varona embeds his story with a whimsical touch and action-packed scenes which sizzle with drama as the characters struggle to achieve their goals:

“What!? What are you talking about?! Holy phalanges! Don’t go down the mountain!” screeched Mandible, holding on for dear life, screaming as Cranium maneuvered straight for the treacherous canyon! The whole plan was about to go tumbling down the gorge, but thankfully a living angel was by their side. Valentina leapt over, and with a powerful shove she knocked them back on course!”

The dialogues and interactions which power this tale are compelling, offering satisfying twists and turns as new threats evolve.

It’s payback time. The capacity at which some of the characters extract vengeance and torture, even on their own companions, is especially well done:

“Jezu remained silent. Her unmeasurable disappointment was worn on her sleeve, it could be felt throughout the entire region she governed, sapping away at his infamous spirit, spoiling the inevitable. He didn’t know what to do. He always simply followed her orders, and that sadly was always his re­ality, for that was how she made him to be.”

The result is a fantasy highly recommended to prior readers of the Cycle of Eden story; notable for its fast pace, complex relationships, and underlying moral and ethical foundations.

Libraries looking for strong fantasy series stories and readers who enjoy epic productions will find Two Sides of Corruption not only thoroughly engrossing but thought-provokingly rendered.